Sunday, July 18, 2010

Snail :) :)

A Tiny Snail
Lives In The Mud
His Room Is Very Small. 

His Back Looks, As If He Is Carrying Load of Items
But, When I Saw Him In My Garden,
He Was Using His Back As Umbrella
To Protect Himself From Rain!!!!!!!

He Stays All Alone
He Says, "I Love Staying Alone"
I Spoke To Snail...And Asked, How Could He Stay Alone In A Small Room.

He Said, You Feel Its A Small Room
But, Its A Large Room For Me....
People Dig The Land For Various Purposes
And Without Noticing Us, They Kill Us.

That's The Reason I Don't Need Human Friend
I'm Happy Staying All Alone.....

So, From Next Time, If You Have To Plant 
Kindly Notice Me,  If I'm Here!!!!!!!!!!

Got To Go Before Its Dark
I Will See You Tomorrow Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such Is The Life of A Snail. Snails Doesn't Have Safe Places. Lets Protect Such Creatures.

PS :- Dear Blog Friends, These Days, I'm Extremely Busy. Very Soon Will Visit All Your Blogs. Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For A Previous Post, "BALL".

PPS :- Click Here To Read My New Thought In New Blog "Screams of Woman". 



  1. Beautiful poem, I love your poetry.

  2. Hi Sahana:)


    I enjoyed your poetry which highlights the life of a snail which most of us don't even have time to notice.

    A little creature like that is well protected by God. Its shell is not only to protect it from sun and rain but also to protect its life in times of danger from other enemies which prey on it.

    Human beings of course have least concern for these little snails and it is wonderful on your part to bring to our notice the cry of the snail in your delightfully written poem.

    Best wishes Sahana:)


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