Tuesday, June 8, 2010


After The Long Time Dust & Heat

How Cool Is The Climate
Water Gushing Down The Narrow Lane
Depicting The Beauty of The Rain :) :)

Kids Were Excited To See
A Huge Downpour Through Window Pane
Came Down & Started Dancing In The Rain
Revealing Their Happiness & Friendliness With The Rain :) :)

The Fields, The Crops Were Wet
And Showed Their Happiness By
Yielding Large Amount of Profits
To The Farmer. 

Birds, Animals Were Screaming
In Their Own Ways, Hugged Each Other
Congratulated Each Other, Saying
We Got Back Our Lives After A Tremendous Heat
And Finally, Trees & Plants Waved Their Branches
Saying, We All Love Rain.....

Birds Made Groups, Sat On The Grass Land
And By Fluttering Their Wings In The Rain
Showed Bird Lovers Interior Beauty of Their Wings
And Showed Other Baby Birds The Beauty of Nature.

This Shows How Beautiful Is The Nature
Nature Exhibits All Its Different Feelings
Through Thunderstorms, Rain, Heat, Cold, Snowfall
The List Goes On & On & On.......Which Can't Equalize
The Happiness, Excitement of The Living Beings Who 
Live On This Wonderful Earth.

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Bunch For All Your Cherishable Compliments & Wishes For The Previous Post, "Intro To New Bloggers". Kindly Visit Their Blogs. Comment & Encourage Them To Come Up With Different Writing Styles. So We All Could Enjoy & Relish Their Writings.

PPS :- Dearies, I Really Miss Your Blogs.....Very Soon Will Step Into Your Blogs :) :)


  1. Aah! I love the rains - but not a fan of the rainy season :D And at present, am on vacation in New Zealand and hating the rains - it makes it impossible to go sight-seeing as most places are closed :( :( But it's a relief from the sunny weather!

  2. We only had a few days of sunshine and here comes the rain again.
    Loved your post.

    Havr a lovely day.

  3. I love this lovely post...nature at its best! Rain! I love rain Sahana...:)

    And that tempting picture of an apple drenched in rain? Looks crunchy na... :)

    I am on blogging break dear...:)

  4. lovely weather!

    lovely rains!

    lovely post!

  5. rain is so refreshing...love to go out in it and dance...

  6. Rain makes a great topic for poetry. Well done my friend!!

  7. hey i love rain but cant drench myself in it..:(..cant help..:).. nice description sahana.. well put..:)

  8. i love the rains too! :) and bangalore seems to be having them frequently now, thankfully.!

    long time since i came here.. i hope to be more frequent too.

    ps: don't forget writing for thursday tales just coz i m nt able to comment. i do read them, and they're very nice! :)

  9. I'd chosen a random picture last time for Thursday Tales, and I'd actually not seen something specific behind the pic.

    I've picked something different, since the train members weren't happy with it at all. Hope the new one shall inspire u more.

    Sorry if it has inconvenienced you.

  10. nvr forget the sweet smell of rain..


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