Saturday, June 19, 2010

Innocent Prayer of A Girl :) :)

How Does My Innocence Survive In This World of Cruelty ?? How Do I Explain This World About The Innocence of A Child ?? How Do I React To Their Cruel Nature ?? How Do I Self-Support To Win Over The Kindness Held Against Cruelty ??

God, Kindly Explain The Weird Nature of These People. Why Do They Kill Our Innocence ???? God, Kindly Reply To My Question. I Am A Small Innocent, Kind, Caring, Affectionate Girl, Who Doesn't Know Anything About Outside World. When I Was IN My Mother's Womb, I Felt Warm, Safe & Secured. The Moment I Came Out, I Was Feeling Chill, I Started Howling....The Howling Brought Oceanic Tears From My Mom's Eyes, She Whispered.. My Baby..You Are Sooo Cute....Let God Always Bless You. She Took Very Good Care of Me. I Was Brought Up By My Parents & Mom Always Used To Feed Me, Saying Moon Stories At Night. 

God, I Came To This Swing, 'Coz, My Mom Used To Sit Here On This Swing & Myself  Sitting On Her Lap, Listened To Bedtime Stories. At The End of Each Story, My Mom Used To Tell That, Baby Whenever You Feel All Alone, Just Come & Sit On This Swing & Stare At Moon & Share Your Feelings With Moon. So I Came Here. God These Days I Am Hearing That,Many of The Innocent Hearts Are Being Spoiled & Killed.  Why Does This Happen God ?? I Being A Small Kid, Doesn't Understand What This Sentence Mean "Spoiled & Killed".

God, I'm A Small Baby......Kindly Accept My Innocent Prayer. Now, I Feel Quite Relaxed After Sharing My Feelings With You Playing With This Miraculous Swing :) :)

PS :-  Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Sailing Life". 

PPS :- Dearies, I Had Two Ideas On This Photograph. I Thought That, Will Write A Tale Based On A Child. This Tale May Not Have Come Out Well. Will Try To Do So. 

Dearies, I Am Planning To Create A New Blog To Share Tales With You All. Or Else From Next Tale Onwards, Will Be Posting Here "Exhibiting Hidden Talents."   I Want To Keep Only Poems In This Space. Here Onwards, Tales Will Be Posted In My Prose Blog, "Exhibiting Hidden Talents". Kindly Join This Blog To Read Tales From Next Thursday.  As And When I Post In My Prose Blog, Will Let You Know All In This Poetry Blog :) :) 

Wish You All A Very Happy Weekend. Enjoy :) :)

Written For,
Image Courtesy :-  Andrewf1


  1. A most profound and compelling poem. I enjoyed the read very much.


  2. Very absorbing poem beautifully written.

  3. beautifully written:)

  4. Told with such an innocent voice. Beautifully written poem.


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