Sunday, May 30, 2010

Parrots Cage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All Alone Sitting On A Stone Bench In A Park.....
Was Thinking How To Find A Key 
Of My Caged Thoughts.....

Then A Parrot By Name Chintu,
Asked Me, Why Am I Dull ??

I Told Chintu, That I Am Confused...
I Feel That My Thoughts Are Caged,
I Feel All Alone To Share My Matter....

Then, Chintu Consoled Me Saying....
Dear, You Do Have Your Own Ways of Living
You Roam Where Ever You Want,
You Have Seen How Actually The Sky Looks,
You Know Different Type of People.......
You Get Many Opportunities To See The World....

But Look At Me, 
I Am Always Caged 24/7
I Know To Fly, But I Can't Fly
I Have My Own Dreams & Wishes As You Have
Still I Can't Fulfill Those Dreams & Wishes....
'coz I Am Caged......

I Want To Fly As High As Possible,
I Want To Touch The Sky,
I Want To See Clouds As Much Closer As I Can
I Want To Stay & Fly With Other Birds.....
But, I Can't.....

In Cage I Cannot See Anything Clearly....
My Owners Feed Me, When I Am Hunger
But, I Can't Eat What I Want The Most....
I Am A Living Being.....I Too Feel Like,
Chewing Something or The Other
I Want To Chew Cherries, Green Chillies, Strawberries,
And Many More....But, I Can't......

What Sin Have I Committed....
What Sin Did I Commit To Be Caged Forever ........

This Is My Life....
Everyone Are Attracted Towards My Beauty.....
But Does Anybody Understand My Feelings, Wants,Wishes & Dreams ????
If Yes, When Do They Understand ??
Do They Understand Or Atleast Realise After My DEATH ??

Chintu Was Deeply Hurt Since He Was Caged....
I Immediately Opened His Cage Door.
He Told Me That, You Don't Know About My Owner...
Owner Would Kill You, If You Allow Me To Fly.....

Then, I Told Chintu
Not To Worry About All That
And Asked Him To Fly As Earliest & Possible.

He Looked Very Jovial, Happy & Flew Offfffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then, I Realized My Problems Are Nothing
In Front Of Chintu......I Could Share & Speak Out...
But Not Chintu :) :)

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "True Friendship".

PPS :- Dearies, This Poem Is Based On My Pure Imagination !!!!!!!!!!

Have A Lovely Week Ahead  :)  :) Enjoyyyyy!!!!!!!!! Take Care.


  1. A wonderful poem which I enjoyed,

    Have a lovely Sunday.

  2. Lovely poem :-)
    Very well written ...

  3. many times we live in cages of our own creation....

  4. Hey..soo soooo nice..:)

    PS: added you.

  5. Give freedom to yourself and your thoughts and fly as high as you can...:) that way, you will reach your dreams!

    beautifully written dear!

  6. beautifully expressed.

    Lovely poem.:)


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