Saturday, April 24, 2010

Broken Heart !!!!!!!!!!!!!

At Times Knowingly Or
Unknowingly, Our Life Faces
A Drastic Change, Which Brings A
Complete New Tough Life.....

How Will I Breath With Such A Broken Heart ??
How Will I Mend My Heart, To Continue Pumping of Blood ??

When Do I Adjust With This Kind of Toughest Situation ??
The Situation Is Such That, Nor I Can Stay With, Nor I Can Stay Apart.

I Feel As Though The Entire World  Separated From Me.....
I Feel Scared.......I Fear That, I May Loose Everyone Close To My Heart....
I Feel That, I Have Already Lost The One's Who Were Very Close To Me....
As A Friend, As A Relative, As A Cousin, As A Sibling....What Not ??

I Am Completely Dripped off From Those Good Positive Thoughts,
Everywhere, I See Only Broken Parts & Broken Thoughts, Broken Relation......

It May Be 'coz of Caring My Close One's
With Overwhelmed  Love & Affection, 
Broke My Heart, Mind & Soul........
I Am Completely Collapsed 'coz of Them........

Is This The Meaning of Humanity & Concern ??
Does This Situation Come Under The Definition of Humanity & Concern ??

This Is The Present Life.....
I Face It With Courage,
I Increase My Self Confidence,
I Forcefully Change My Thoughts,
I Protect Myself Only With Positive Views & Thoughts !!!!!!!!!

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Flying Up Above The Sky".

PPS :- Dearies, Click On The Image For Larger View. Read Image Quotes As Well :) :) Its Extremely Inspiring :) :)



  1. How wonderful it would be
    If life turned the way we pushed
    But less unpredictable and exciting…

  2. I loved this, the message came across, thanks for sharing,


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice post,

    keep writing

    Wish to read some augur lighty pies...


  5. awesome one sahana...the message put in the post is really very good :)..i missed lots of post from u will jump through them now :)..


  6. Beautiful selection of words.....


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