Monday, March 29, 2010

Bird's Life.

Huge Trees, Each Branch
Decorated With Birds Nest
The Path Was Decorated With
Spring Flowers, Fragrance of
Sandal Trees, Beauty of Various Flowers
Different Types of Greenery In Each 
Tree......I Was Speechless With The
Beauty of Nature.

The Path & Its Surroundings

Were Occupied By 
Varieties of Birds & Their Families :) :)
Their Continuous Conference Went On
 And On And On........Till The Point I Reached
Their Destination From A Distant Far Kilometer.

A Beautiful Multi-Colored Parrot
Approached Me, Saying
Please Don't Hunt Us....We Don't
Have Any Place To Stay, Our Places
Have Been Occupied By Human Beings
Our Nests Were Buried After Cutting Down
Trees For Commercial & Non-Commercial Purposes..
Moreover, Human Beings Kill Us,
To Feed Their Tummy......

We Have Lost Many Members
 of Our Family....And Now, We Are....
Are Brave Enough....We Fight With You 
If You Harm Us....

I Was Standing Without
Any Lip Movements.....I Was
Still, Like A Statue......Then, A Crow Approached
Are You Fine ?? Why Are You Not Talking ??

With Tears Filled & With Heavy Heart
I Saw The Unity of All Varieties of Birds,
All Carnivores & Herbivores Birds Were Staying Together
Was Extremely Happy To See Their Togetherness
I Compared Them With Human Beings For Just A Second
But, I Felt Ashamed of Myself, To Compare Those
Pure Souls With Bad Evils of Human beings, Who Were
Torturing Those Birds, Who Took Away Their Pleasures
Who Killed Them For Their Meat, Who Cage Those Beautiful Birds......

My Lips Were Shaking, MY Hands Were Shivering
My Heart Beat Was Increasing Rapidly
I Could Hear My Own Heart Beat & Even
Birds Also Heard My Heart Beat & offered
Me Sweet Cherries, Plucking From A Tree....

After Having Sweet Juicy Cherries,
Parrot Started Questioning Me.....
Are You Alone ?? How Come You Came Here ??
Why Are You Crying ?? Whats Wrong With You ??

With Shivering & Whispering Voice
I Told Parrot That, I Have Not Come Here
To Harm Anybody......But, To Stay With My Lovely Birds
I Don't Have Anybody, Since I Myself Hate Human Beings
I'm A Pure Herbivore......Please Don't Be Scared of Me......
Starting Tears Were Over Boiled Tears
Those Tears Came By Hearing To Your Problems....
Later, When I Saw You All Staying Together
Those Were My Cool Warm Tears......

I Wish You All A Happy Long Life.
Many Generations Are Yet To Come
Let All Your Lost Members Come Back To You
In Any Form.......Now, Got To Go!!!!!!

Now, I Could See Tears From Those Birds
They Pleaded Me To Stay With Them
But, I Didn't Wanted To Trouble Them In Any Manner
So, Saying Everybody Takecare. Maintain Your
Togetherness Forever & Ever, I Came Back To This Cruel HUMAN WORLD!!!!!!!

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "TECHNOLOGY".

PPS :- Dearies, Lets All Save Birds.......They Are Becoming Extinct. Don't Kill Them.....Feed Them Grains....I Love Birds A Lot :) :) Next Part of This Post Would Be Posted IN My Next Post!!!!!

Dearies, Recently My Friend Smt.Anupama Had Posted A Post About Her Lovely Sparrows. Click Here To Read :) :)

Wish You All A Very Happy Weekend :) :)


  1. Awesome background :)))))
    Looks lovely .....

    Very nice lines written !!
    Very creative :-)
    (I can not see your 3e photo ;)


  2. Wonderful poem about birds, also photo's I don't know much about birds but after reading your post I know much more, Thanks.


  3. Dear Sahana,
    Good Evening!
    I could feel your love towards birds and your concern!
    Dear,nature is the best teacher.If we observe our surroundings,we can learn the valuable lessons of life!
    Photos are cool and send me that parrot to me.:)
    Hey,I wrote the post on sparrows,not on pigeons!

  4. Nicely wriitten....I love to hear the birds in the springtime.

  5. lovely thoughts on birds... beautiful..

  6. Hi Sahana, am sooo happy today that i have come here as my lovely Sahana has written her lovliest poem agian.. its been ages that i have read ur such long and colorful poems.. feeling happy.. will wait for the next one. Thanks ra.


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