Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine :) :)

IF You Were My Soul,
I Would Have Searched You
In Endless Sky, To Find A Perfect 
Bright Blinking Star.

If You Were My Breath,
I Would Have Gone In Depth 
Of Ocean, To Find A Perfect
Oceanic Diamond.

If You Were My Hand In Hand,
I Would Have Searched, By Going Many Miles
On My Foot, To Find
My Perfect Safe Heart Shaped House.

If You Were My Heart,
I Would Have Surely Searched For A Softest Petal
To Spread On Your Way, Directing You 
The Short-Cut Way To My Heart :)  :)
PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post, "Save Our Tigers"  :) :)

PPS :- This Post Is Purely Based On My Imagination.


  1. the best valentine post i have come across :)...happy valentines day :)..


  2. A wonderful Valentine blog, most pleasurable to read.


  3. Wishing you a Valentine's Day
    filled with love
    and the tender sound
    of a voice that gives you comfort.....

    Happy Valentine's Day :-)


    Kareltje =^.^=
    Anya :-)

  4. This is gorgeous! This is a wonderful Valentine's post!!!

  5. Hi Sahana:)

    Beautiful creative writing on Valentine's Day. Wonderful thoughts and I am delighted to read your amazing words.

    Have a nice day Sahana:)

  6. Hey.
    Thanks for following me...
    Nice Posts there.....

    Keep logging

  7. Wow, lovely, romantic post dear...:)

    If i have my way again, I wish to find the right guy who would complete my existence... :)

    Keep on writing dear!

    You're a very good poet, I tell you!


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