Sunday, February 21, 2010


Following Silent Flowing


In The Lovable Heart, To Hear


Nano Seconds

Down The

Stream To

Help A Friend Who Has Lost

Inherent Strength & Fighting To Gain  

Peace of Mind!!!!!!!

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Cherishable Compliments For Previous Post "DEAR".

PPS :- Dearies, This Poem Is Dedicated To All My Student Life Friends, Blogger Friends, & To All Who Know Me As CREATIVITY Or By Any Other Name Or Reference!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Tried To Relate Friendship With A River Because, When Our Friend Is In Severe Pain/Trouble, Need Someone's Help/Encouragement, Then, That Someone[Who Help] IS An Entire Universe, To The One Who Was Relieved From Pain/Trouble!!!!!!!! Friendship Is The Best Medicine At Critical Situations!!!!! I Feel That, This Poem Could Be Much More Better!!!!!! Suggestions Are Most Welcome!!!!!!!


  1. beautiful write up dear :) :)loved it a lot.. :)

  2. Your message came across, In the past I've needed friends through dark days in my life, If you have friends it's richer than all the money in the world.
    Take care

  3. So very beautiful. Thank you!! Love your new background :)

  4. Beautiful lines about friendship:)


  5. aww thats cute..i like the flow of thoughts and yes creativity, whats your real name..ha ? ha?

  6. Hi Sahana:)

    Lovely thoughts about friendship.

    Your river of friends are made in heaven, they are the angels at your side,they are the doctors to heal your wounds, they offer solace and comfort in times of need, they are a sources of happiness, comfort,joy and delight.

    Have a nice day Sahana:)


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