Thursday, January 7, 2010



Pain Increased As A Water
Coming Out Of The Tap.....
Fragile Heart Broke Down Into Pieces,
Blood Everywhere......
On The Walls Of
My Heart, My Soul......
My Mind Repeatedly
Negative Thoughts.
I'm Fully Collapsed, 
With No Floor To Stand,
Completely Imbalanced 
To Stand On My Foot.....
Flooding Tears, 
Flooding Blood......
How To Control & 

How To Come Back To Normal Senses ??
Is The Question I Am Asking My Mind.
Mind Is Also Deeply Hurt,
No Time To Think, 
No Time To Understand My Heart,
No Time To See Myself,
No Time To Understand My Situation
No Time To Understand & Feel My Pain
No One For My Support........
Is This The Real Happening??
Can This Happen In Reality,
Since This IS Purely Based On My Imagination.

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Zillion For All Your Touching Compliments, For Previous Post "PAIN".


  1. my god ..i cant even imagine this :)...nicely written :)...


  2. superb is what i should be saying..!! how come u r into "sad" zone these days?

  3. nicely penned hope everythin is fine wid u..cumin up wid such thots..wrds were felt dear..:)

  4. nice written my dear :-)
    You are really good in write lines

  5. We all expeirience pain whether physical or mental pain. But if we can get through the bad days it makes us appreciate the good even more.
    Hope all is well with you.


  6. HI Creativity;

    HOw will I call you? You've always been following me, and am sorry for failing on that matter..:)

    but beginning today, I will soon be a regular in your place...:)

    please tell me how am gonna call you, aside from Creativity!


  7. I can feel the "pain" evoked in these images. Great job!

  8. wow...beautiful poem you write...very good imagination...and well i can somehow relate to it!

    the second time i realized i have to post another comment here!

  9. wow...beautiful poem you write...very good imagination...and well i can somehow relate to it!

    the second time i realized i have to post another comment here!

  10. beautiful poem with lot of pain.... no words to comment on this, hope you understand.....
    tak care dear.....


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