Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas :) :)

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell,
Jingle On The Bell..........

Everywhere, People Are
Crowded On Occasion Of
Christmas Eve.

Houses Are Decorated With
Christmas Tree. 

Delicious Variety Of Cookies,
Chocolates, Cakes, Deserts......

Little Faces Are Entangled With
Joy, Excitement & Happiness
On The Very Special Christmas.

Children Curious To Receive 
Santa Gifts :) :)

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Sweet Compliments, For Previous Post, "CAT". Dearies, Merry Christmas.


  1. Wish u a Merry Christmas filled wid joys all around..:)

  2. Hope your Christmas is great, looking forward to the New Year and more excellent poems.



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