Monday, November 9, 2009

Rosy & Dexter :) :)

I Stood Near The Beach
Looking At The Waves,
My Heart Compelled Me,
To Stand In Waves.....

I Was Very Much Depressed, Sad
Was Also Feeling Lonely.....I Had Come
With My Dexter, Labrador.....
He Too Was Upset & Was Not Willing TO Play With Me.....

He Greeted Only Waves
He Pulled Me To Stand In Waves,
After Long Time, I Opened My Mouth
To Say, Dexter Control, Don't Pull Like That, It Hurts My Palm..

He Happily Excitingly Started Wagging His Tail
Jumped On Me, Placed His Arms On My Shoulders,
Licked My Cheeks, To Hear To My Voice After Long Time.....

Reason Of MY Feeling Sad, 
Was Nothing, Just I Missed My Rosy, Labrador

Dexter Loved Her A Lot, She Too Loved Dexter A Lot,
But Didn't Turn Up After Her Last Visit, Which Was
Two Days Ago :((

Dexter Was Excited Because,
He Saw Rosy Running From Long Distance TO Meet Dexter :)

Both Of Them, Hugged Each Other, I Pampered Rosy,
Told Her, They Can be A Couple :) :)

Rosy & Dexter :) :)

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Zillion For All Your Cherishable Compliments FOr Previous Post, "MEDITATION"
Thanks A Zillion For All Your Wishes For My Exams :) :) Exams Are From, 16th November To 21st November :) :)  Take Care :) :)


  1. hi dear,
    All the best for your exams :)wonderful poem with emotions..loved it :)

  2. Hi Sahana,

    beautiful one..:)
    All the best once ahain..:)..:) will see u smiling after the exams...

  3. it was a lovely imagination.....all the best for ur exams :)..see ya soon after exams..:)...

    P.S:my comments are back..


  4. Hi Sahana:)

    First of all let me wish you all the best in your exams. My prayers are with you.

    Your blog design is very beautiful.

    You have written an excellent and captivating poem with full of deep feeling and emotions based on love and loneliness.

    Once again let me take this opportunity to wish you all the best to do extremely well in your exams.

  5. First Many success with ur exams
    I think on you :-)
    Think positive ....

    Very sweet pictures and lovely lines written !!!

  6. Nice poem with touching lines which touched the waves of my heart..

  7. good imagination and sweets post


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