Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Queen Of My Heart :) :)

Where Did Those Days & Nights Went
Which We Spent Relishing Lovable Talks ??

I Agree That, 
You Are Quite Distant Far From Me,
You Are Not Physically In Front Of Me,
You Are Not With My Heart, Soul And Mind.....

But, I Could See Your Face In My Eyes,
Could Hear Your Echoing Voice In My Ears,
Your Face Is Poster Of My Heart.....
My Brain Is Covered By Your Face Membrane :) :)

But, I Feel That You Totally Forgot Me,
The Moment You Said, Bye....See You When Time Permits :((

When Do You Come To Meet Me,
When Do You Hold My Hand
When Do We Hug EachOther Again, Under A SnowFall :) :)

My Heart Is Feeling Thirst To Meet You,
My Eyes Is Feeling Thirst To See You,
My Ears Are Feeling Thirst To Hear Your Sweet Voice,
Coated With Lovable, Affectionate Words :) :)

But, Now I Want To Tell You That,
When You Were With Me, I Had Stolen Your Heart
Your Fragile Heart Is Very Much Safe In Depth Of My Heart, Soul & Mind :) :)
You Are Queen Of My Heart, My Dear Princess :) :) :) :)

PS :- Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Precious Compliments For Previous Post "GOOD EVENING"
This Poem Is Purely Based On My Imagination :) :)


  1. vry well written dear..luved ur style..free flowing..:)
    thnx a lot for being at my place, bt think,u've missed some 2 of my posts..hehe..nice job dear..:)

  2. lovely words Sahana! :)
    enjoyed this free flowing style!

    nice template too! :)

  3. i enjoyed the post sahana the words were really awesome :).


  4. lovely poem dear..:)..well written:)..loved the flow very much

  5. An excellnt poem and very well written, loved the read.


  6. its so nice to read you and to see u coming back with ur trademark poems..

    lovelyy write up sahana..


  7. This is sooooo lovely written

    greetings from The Netherlands
    Anya :)
    Kareltje =^.^=


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