Friday, November 27, 2009

Mother's Love :) :)

You Mean So Much To Me
You Are Universe To Me
Your Unconditional Love,
Your Kind, Caring, Touching Nature,
Purely Defines A Mother :) :)

You Can Know My Tears Behind My Smile
You Can Know My Sorrow Behind My Smile
You Can Know My Anger Behind My Smile

You Can Know My Troubles Behind My Smile......

Your Love To Cook All Sorts Of Dishes,
Give A New Life To My Tongue On Each Special Dish....

You Are World's Greatest Creature To Be Born
To Teach, To Guide, To Bring Up A Child
To Help The Child To Shape Up Its Career
And To Stand On Its Own Foot :) :)

Mother's Are Really Great
Mother's Do Wonders......
Mother's Are Goddesses

Mother's Are Everything To Each & Every Individual :) :)

Dearies, This Poem Is Dedicated To All Mother's............... There Is A Sanskrit Saying, "Mathru Devo Bhava" Means, Mother Is Goddess & One Should Worship Mother :) :)

Well Dearies, I Was Inspired To Write This Poem Based On An Email Sent By My Friend. This Is A Story & Title Is "Eight Lies Of A Mother." Here It Goes :) :) 

Extremely Touching Story Dearies, Even The Acro Is Awesome, Completely Related To The Story :) :)


  1. woww..dear..excellent nd superb..such a beautiful dedication to loving mothers..yes,mother is indeed an angel, unconditional love nd affection,they bestow is above all in this universe..luved the post..thnx 4 sharing such a luvly story..nice write dear..:)

  2. I read this with tears in my eyes for 2 reasons. first I am a mother myself and love my family above all. secondly my own mother was widowed when I was 3 yrs of age and I know she went without alot to give me a life like any other child who had 2 parents, though I did not realise this until I became an adult. She passed away 11 yrs ago and yes I do love and miss her still.
    Well done on a splendid post......
    pass me the tissues.


  3. So touching. It made me think of so many things. Thank you.

  4. I am touched
    I am a mother
    I have also a mother

    Your Mother
    must be very proud of you :))))

    Unique words !!!
    My compliments you are very creative with words :-)

    Have a nice sunday !!!

  5. Yvonne :- Very Sorry Dear.....Could Understand & Feel Your Pain.....Take Care.....Your Mom Will Always Be With You....Beside You.....

  6. Deepika :- Thanks A Lot Dear :) :)

  7. Sm :- Thanks A Lot For Your Kind Visit & Compliments :) :)

  8. Hemanth :- :) :) Thanks A Lot :) :)

  9. God created Mother because he himself could not be physically present to love and protect you. Very touching post very well written.


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