Thursday, September 10, 2009

Greatest Gift :) :)

You Showed Me The Real World
You Showed Me What Exactly A Life Is,
You Taught Me,
How To Deal With Our Own People ??

Your Very Strong Mind,
Your Intelligence,
Your Achievements,
Inspires & Motivates Me
To Climb Highest Peak :)

You Are My Greatest Gift,
A Ear To Lend, Hand To Hold
And Your Are Heart Of Gold :) :)

Dearies, Thanks A Lot For All Your Comments To "Comfortable Star" Post :) :) This Post Is Dedicated To My Sis :) :) She Is My Sister, Friend........A Most Greatest Gift :)


  1. very nicely said dear:)...beautiful dedication

  2. A Ear To Lend, Hand To Hold

    Lovely Dear ..! This sums up how sweet your bond is..:)

    Best wishes to your sis..:)

  3. A wonderful dedication so beautifully written.


  4. A good post bringing out the deep bond of love and regard you have for your sister

  5. Hey..

    Good one..My best wishes to u and to ur sis...may ur bond stay forever..:)

  6. a lovely dedication! :)

    super poem Sahana!


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