Sunday, September 6, 2009

Butterfly & Me :) :)

A Butterfly Came Floating
Through A Blue Sky.
He Traveled All Through The Atmosphere
Then Came Near To Earth To Relax On A Flower :)

I Went To Him,
Said, I Would Love To Fly As You Do
To Watch The Beauty Of Earth
From High Above :)

I Have 2arms, 2legs,
To Walk On Earth & Just Watch Beauties
Which God Has Created :)

He Told Me, He Would Love To
Walk......Step On Mud, Play With Mud
Stand In Waves......But Cannot...People Just Stamp Me
Even Without Noticing Me :( :(

You Have Two Arms, Two Legs,
But, I Have Only Wings :( :(

Then, Both Of Us Realised
The Creativity Of God & Just
Headed Towards Our Respective Path :) :)

Ps :- This Is Just An Imaginary Poem :) :) Dearies, Thanks A Lot For Commenting To Previous Post.....I Am Extremely Busy With My Studies......From 22nd September, Prelims Gonna Start :) I Am Extremely Sorry, For Not Replying To Your Comments Personally :)

But Here, I Thank All Those Who Read, Share Their Views, Opinions, Ideas :) :) Thanks A Trillion Dearies :)


  1. Hi :)
    Been away for a long the new pic on your blog and this poem is nice as's very simple yet very meaningful :)
    Keep It Up! :)

  2. And definitely this one is outstanding..!

    I never think this way abt flower & butterfly..though imaginative its very thoughtful Dear showcasing a deep meaning impliedly ..!

    Lovely Dearie..:D

  3. HI Sahana,

    super imagination..I liked it very much..:)

    Keep going dear..ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR Semester.. Do well :)

  4. good imagination! :)
    creativity writes a poem on god's creativity! :)

    loved it! :)

  5. It is written with lot of imagination and beautifully too

  6. The message of your poem came across very clearly. Beautifully written.


  7. Very imaginative and descriptive! Good luck with your studies. I'm sure you'll do great!

  8. very creative dear...:)..beautifully written:)


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