Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wrapped In Love.....Being In Love......Brimming With Love :D

My Morning Start,
With A Polar Bear Embrace :D

With A Sound Of Your Breath,
With Your Gentle Touch On Hair,
And With A Feel Of Your Heart Beating With Mine :D

I Love The Way You Stare At Me,
I Love The Way You Convince Me,
I Love The Way You Hang Up Phone,
I Love The Way You Extend Your Arms On My Shoulders :)

I Love The Way You Make Me So Happy,
I Love The Way You Care
I Love The Way You Say, "I Love You"
I Love The Way You Touch Me :D

I Love That You Are In My Depth Of My Heart,
Sometimes, In Form Of Clouds, Stars, Sun & Moon :D

Ps :- Again, An Imaginary Poem :D Hey, Dearies, Can Any1 Suggest Me The Title ??

PPS :- Dearies, I had asked You Suggest A Title, For This :D So,

Kelly Said, It Could Be "Wrapped In Love",

Kajal Said, "Being In Love", &

KParthasarthi Sir Said, "Brimming With Love" :D

All Titles Are Equally Beautiful & Excellent :D So, I Used All Titles For This Post :D Earlier, I Had Used, "Dream Girl" :D Thanks A Trillion For Suggesting The Titles :D


  1. Another beauty of a poem! How about "Wrapped in Love" for a title? I don't know why this title came to me, but maybe it would work?

  2. i could be titled 'being in love' :)

  3. Brimming with love could also be an option.
    Your imagination is great

  4. Hey Sahana,

    Great going madam..:)
    Loved it again..just keep it up:)

    This i'm not taking part in title race, as i too liked thet titles suggested by the readers..all r good, I will wait and see how u would name ur post..:)

  5. You would have made as good a poet as Wordsworth had you lived in the Romantic Era :)

  6. wow...:)..nice blog dear...:)...template is soo welcoming:)...and the posts r just too good:)..

  7. Dear Sahana,

    i was searching fr new words to praise your work ..I just love this piece...

    *** In Form Of Clouds, Stars, Sun & Moon :D

    It all says how deep her love it..:)

    P.S:No one expects this gal wud tell such those jokes..

    I'm implementing your plan ..get ready fr posts..!

  8. Kelly :- Thanks A Trillion Dear For The Title & For Sweet Compliments :D

  9. Kajal :- Thanks A Trillion Dear For The Title :D

  10. KP :- Thanks A Trillion Dear For The Title & For Sweet Compliments :D

  11. Pramoda :- Dear, Thanks A Billion :D

  12. Sapphire :- Dear, I Was Not Born In Romantic Era :D I Am In Current 21st Century :D

  13. Yellow Trip :- Hi Dear, Thanks A Lot For Dropping By & For Sweet Compliments :D

  14. Vyshu :- Dear, Pls, No Sharing of Those Jokes Here ;) Lolll :D

    Thanks A Zillion For Those Sweet Compliments Darling :D

  15. A lovely poem, how about " Contentment " for a title?


  16. Yvonne :- S, Dear, It Can Surely Be "Contentment" :D Now, I Got Some Other Idea :D Will Put That here very soon & Title will be contentment :D


Share your views,ideas, opinions too :D Thanks a Zillion For Visiting Poetry Blog :)