Friday, July 24, 2009

Sweet Darling Baby :)

Sleep Baby Sleep, Now, Its Dark,
Whole Day You Played, Made Us Relax......
Refreshed Our Minds......Darling Sweet Baby...
Its My Turn, To Sing Lullabies To You
For A Sweet Dreams Sleep :)

I Watched Infant Sleeping,
I Saw His Broad Smiley Face,
Even In His Deep Sleep &
Thought That,
God May Be Playing With Him :D

I Watched A Little Face Sleeping,
With Cool, Calm Mind, With Zero Tensions
Felt That, Even I Too Should Sleep Like Him,
Which Can Just Be A Dream :)

I Watched A Little Baby Sleeping,
With Arms & Legs Stretched,
Holding His Five Little Fingers,
Into My Fingers :)

I Watched A Little Angel Sleeping
With His Small Mouth Opening
& Snoring To Make Every1 Aware
That A Small Baby IS Sleeping & Every1
Should Maintain Complete Silence :D

I Watched A Little Infant Sleeping,
Prayed God, To Always Keep An Eye On You
& Also To Stretch His Hands, When Baby Meets
With Uncertainties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Love Infants A Lot
An Angel Sent From God,
An Angel Who Makes Every1 Happy
Who Keeps Every1 Smiling,
Who Plays With His Parents,
Siblings & Also With His Loved One's!!!!!!

PS :- The Above Photographs Are Of My Neighbor's Son Veehan :) He Is Very Cute & Sweet Baby :) I Reallly Love Him A Lot :) I Like Him Even though he is Naughty ;) He Is Always Keeps Smiling :)


  1. Such a sweet poem about a cute little guy! He will be a handsome young man; the girls will like him:)

  2. Kelly :- S, He is Very Handsome :) All Girls Like Him :) He too Likes Girls :)

  3. A beautiful poem for such a beautiful baby.
    May his life be blessed/


  4. So sweet ..:)

    The boy is a real charmer..:)

  5. Vyshu :- :)S, True He Is A Real Charmer :D


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