Friday, July 31, 2009

Love Breeze.......Spread Your Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Free As The Wind That Blows Through The Trees,
Active As The Buzzing Energetic Bees,
Wild As Lion That Stay In Forest,
But As Calm & Cool As The Deep Blue Sea :)

My Extra Bright Smile,
The Love & Affection That I Have & Show
Fills With Immense Pleasure & Happiness,
To Me As Well As To The People, Who Wish To
Talk To Me Each & Every Day, To Boost Up Their Energy Level :)

I Love Animals,
I Love Birds,
I Love Insects,
I Love All The Creatures.......Except Reptiles......
Very Scared of Reptiles...But, I Really Love All
The Creations Of God :D

I Wish Every1 Keep Smiling Like An Infant
With Zero Tensions, With A Broad Smiley Face..
As It Makes A Person Cool, Calm & Happy :)

Ps :- My Near & Dear Ones', This Is Not A Self-Appraisal Poem.......Its A Inspiration Poem :) Its My First Attempt To Inspirational Poem :)

What All Difficulties May Come Across, One Should Try To Solve Rather Than, Regretting :) Be Calm, Cool & Happy :D That Fills Us With Immense Pleasure, Happiness, Satisfaction :) Can Any1 Suggest Me The Title ??

My Near & Dear One's......I Asked for the Title.....Vyshu Shared Her View!!!!! I Really Extremely Felt That, These Two Titles, Love Breeze & Spread Your Love Are Equally Excellent!!!!!!!! So I Used This :) B4 That, The Title Was, My First Attempt To Inspirational Poem :)
Vyshu said...

Spread your Love..

Love Breeze.

Hey Sahana,

These two titles came to my mind as i read your beautiful inspiring poem...:)

Very captivating and you did a successful attempt..!

PS: Thanks a lot for the fwd mail Dear..:)


  1. An excellent inspirational poem, I loved the word content and it made it so enjoyable to read.


  2. You know how to inspire!! I feel the smile coming through your words:)

  3. Spread your Love..

    Love Breeze.

    Hey Sahana,

    These two titles came to my mind as i read your beautiful inspiring poem...:)

    Very captivating and you did a successful attempt..!

    PS: Thanks a lot for the fwd mail Dear..:)

  4. Vyshu :- Thanks Zillion For The Beautiful Eye-Catching Titles :)Spread Your Love & Love Breeze Are Equally Excellent Titles :)

  5. heyy..dis is the first time, i've dropped down here, nd beleive me m stuck readin ur posts, all beautifully drafted poems, lovely imagination..gr8 wrk done..would be visiting again,i've also strted writing some posts, though m new into this world of blogs but would like if u giv a visit..will b following urs..

  6. Hai Sahana,

    You r good at ur attempt.. first four lines were too good..:)

    Keep expressing...

    Yeah, whatever may the difficulty is, be touch and keep smiling...

    And Vyshu,
    Nice titles..:)


  7. hi..
    i really loved ur ths another beautiful piece..why.. u knew it....

  8. Hi Sahana:)

    I was completely bowled over by the first four lines. They are too good. You have painted lovely word pictures which I can visualize in my minds eye. Free as the wind, buzzing energetic bees, wild as a lion, deep blue sea. Amazing words of a true nature lover.

    I agree a smile is contagious. A smile gets a smile in return. I think only human beings are capable of smiling. It is one of the great blessings given to us by God. It is easy to smile but we rarely use it. A smile brings so much happiness but we refuse to smile. We don’t become poor by smiling yet we are stingy to smile. I walk through the milling crowds in the city and I hardly see any one smiling. All seem to be burdened with problems and worries. I only see wrinkled, serious faces all around me.

    Smiling like an infant is easily said than done. When we are small,we have a heavenly divinity in us. As we grow older, mother earth offers us too many temptations and we lose the divine spark. If some one can smile like an infant when they are grown up, they will be like angels from heaven.

    I enjoyed this beautifully written poem.

    Have a nice day Sahana:)

  9. The poetry was a very nice touch.. The words are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing the poems.

  10. For You & Me :- Thanks A Lot For Dropping By & For Sweet Compliments :) Will Surely Visit Your Blog :D

  11. Joseph :- Hello Sir, Thanks A Lot For Dropping By!! S, True..Smile Is A Best Friend, A Tablet To Get Relieved From All Pains.......Thanks A Lot For Sharing A Beautiful Features of A Smile :D

    S, Many doesn't utilise this blessing, bcoz of -ve thoughts :)

  12. Femin Susan :- Thanks A Lot For Dropping By & Also For Sweet Compliments :D


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