Friday, July 17, 2009

Feelings Towards Special Youth :D

You Changed My World,
With A Blink of An Eye..
You Have Made My Soul
From Worst To Best!!

Your Talks, Smiles, Laughs,
Stares, Hugs Are Extremely Contagious.....

You Yourself, Doesn't Know,
What You Have Done,
How Much You Impressed Me
At First Meet :D

You Even Showed Me The Way
Of How To Overcome, Difficulties,
You Guided Me, The Opened Doors,
You Are Really, An Angel, Sent From Above :)
To Take Care of Me,
Shower With Love & Affection

When I'm With You,
Am Always Happy..
Not Even A Tear Flows..
Your Touch Has Chased Away
All My Fears.....
Your Hugs, Make Me Secured......Protected :D

You Gave Me A New Life,
To Live Worthwhile......
Its Because You Always
Have A Broad Smiley Face!!!!!!

You Made Magical Changes In Me,
To Bring Back my Faith, That was Almost Fade :)
Now, My Life, Is Almost Dream Come True :D

I Wish I Always Stay With You,
Hand In Hand, Hug You Tightly!!!!!

Even Though Distance Has Made Us Apart,
We Are Connected Through Each Others Heart!!!!!

I Miss My Sweetheart The Half Of My Whole
The One I Love & Want To Behold
And Enjoy A Togetherness That Makes Us Happy :)

Ps :- This is again an imaginary post & feeling of Special People!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yes being hugged and loved is as you say contagious, it's so better to have lovely thoughts and feelings about someone than to have negative thoughts about them.Lovely poem.


  2. Lovely poem..... :) "I Miss My Sweetheart The Half Of My Whole" this is very much heart touching line.... liked a lot :)

  3. Chinnu :- Thanks A Lot Darling :D

  4. I love "you made magical changes in me". That is what love can do. Beautiful poem!

  5. Kelly :- S, Dear.......Its True!!!!!!! Thanks A Ton :D

  6. Hi:)


    You have a stunning header photo. Breath taking and alluring matching your gorgeous poems.

    This wonderful poem made me think in different ways.

    One, I thought you were talking about your own younger days when you were blissfully happy with out a care in the world. Now that you are grown up, the heavenly charm of life is slowly fading away.

    Second, I was wondering whether you are praising a special person with whom you were very much attached.

    I may be wrong. But this is what I think. You can correct me.

    I am amazed at your creativity and your fertile, highly imaginative mind which keeps on feeding you with wonderful thoughts to write such amazing, beautiful poetry.

    Have a wonderful day, my friend:)

  7. Joseph :- Thanks A Ton :) Your thoughts are absolutely correct :) Actually, I expect my special person to possess all these above mentioned qualities/feelings...... :)


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