Monday, July 20, 2009

Early Morning Mist :)

Early Morning Mist,
Made Me To Pull My Bed Spreads
On.....Which Was Lying Near My Foot :D

A Cold Breeze, Took Off My Tied Hair
Made Me Crazy & Curious To Watch A
Beautiful Mist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got Down From My Bed,
Moved Towards Window,
Got Attracted Towards
Fragrance Of Flowers,
Fragrance of Sand.....

Birds Chirping.................
Their,Melodious Songs,
Woww So Beautiful Feeling!!!!!!

Even though, Its Early Morning,
White Owl Still Sitting On The Top Most
Branch Of The Tree......Staring At Every Creature...
I Have Gone Mad, To Take A Photograph Of
White Owl!!!!!!!!!

I Went To Balcony,
Saw The Beautiful Waves
Steadily, Went Down The Stairs,
Standing under Mist, Placing Foot
In Waves........Made Curious To Imagine

About A Special Youth...............

How It Would Be,
When My Special Youth,
Would Have Been Here, Hand In Hand,
Hugged Me Tightly, To Feel,
Immense Pleasure & Happiness :)

Standing Together In the Waves,
Under The Mist...........
That Would Have Been,
Memorable Special Moment,
Than Any Other Special Moment!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ps :- This Is An Imaginary Poem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No Doubt, We All Love Nature.......Appreciate Nature but also, Think or Imagine, How come God Created All This?? Whats A Great Creation of God?? I Really Wonder, About The Beautiful, Awesome, Wonderful, Heart-Touching, Eye-Catching, Mind Refreshing Creation of God!!!!!!!!!!


  1. ohh...very fresh feeling..!i got rejuvenated reading this piece of nature..:)

  2. That would be refreshing to take such a morning walk! Thank you!

  3. I am very luckyI live 2 mins from the beach and most mornings I take an early morning walk, just as you described in you excellnet poem. I walk totally alone but it seems to get my mind alert for the coming day. Thanks for sharing.


  4. What a coincidence, U too have written about MORNING. AWESOME Poem, each word is like a word picture. I love your poems & I must tell you that you are AMAZING IN WRITING SUCH HEART-TOUCHING & LOVELY STUFFS……..

    Keep up the GOOD WORK……..
    Do visit my blog, as your comments r really precious.
    Good luck for next posts………….

    I’ll be eagerly waiting for your comments on my posts.

    Have a gr88888888888 day ahead………..

    Keep Smiling……!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Manjari :- Dear, Thanks A Lot :D Take Care!!!!! Hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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