Friday, June 19, 2009

Yepiieeeee.................50th Post.....Golden Jubilee :)

Hello My Near & Dear Ones'!!!!! Today's post is 50th Post :) Poetry blog successfully completed 49posts and stepped on 50th post :) Its all bcoz of the motivation, encouragement, given by my parents, siblings, friends and moreover, I specially thank commentators, followers of my blog, who always encourage me a lot :) My special Regards to Little Poetess, Yvonne, Septembermom, Pallav, Shantanu Das, Gauri Mathur, Deepika Gupta, Kim, Pink Orchid, Prashant :)

Let me wish my Blog :)
Happy Birthday To Youuuu

Happy Birthday To Youuuu
Happy Birthday To Youuuuuu

My Dear Poetry Blog :D
A Heart Filled Happiness
A Pleasant Feeling,

Celebrating Poetry Blog Birthday

With All My Near & Dear One's
A Place where, I share my inner
thoughts, discover,

learn many new innovative things.

I would like to Specially Thank all my readers, commentators, followers, my near & Dear One's with a Special Poem :D
I want to "Thank you," All
But it doesn’t seem enough.
Words don’t seem sufficient--
"Blah, blah" and all that stuff.
Please know I have deep feelings
About all your comments
Which extremely Motivates,encourages,
I really appreciate you all,
You All are special, and that’s a fact!!!!!
My Dear, Little Poetess, This is for u!!!!!!!!!! Little Poetess, Is a Cute 12yr old girl, who loves composing poems :) I really Appreciate ur love towards poetry Dear :)

Special Golden Heart Award goes to :-
Little Poetess




Shantanu Das

Golden Heart Special Award Goes To :-And Few of my friends[non-bloggers]

For My Recent Blog Buddies :)

This Rose is for all my Near & Dear One's who keep on motivating, encouraging me a lot :D

Ps :- Hope every1 accept a small token of Love & put the same in your blogs too :) Thanks a lot for always encouraging, motivating me in what all I share, whether a sad poem, depressed poem, romantic poem :D I am Ever Grateful To You All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Words are Inadequate to thank and show my gratitude to you all :) I wish & Hope, that You All still remain with me forever :D Loads of Thanks To All My Near & Dear One's :D


  1. Happy birthday to ur lovely poetry blog :)thnks for ur award :) continue writing in ur blog always as it gives happiness for me n though u r far away frm me physically, i always feel ur presence mentally as u share all ur feelings in ur blog :)
    loads of love
    tak care

  2. Thanks a lot Dear for accepting & also for a sweet comment :D

  3. Happy Birthday to your fabulous poetry blog! I love coming by to visit such a wonderful place full of creativity, love, humor and wisdom :) You are so kind to think of me with this lovely recognition. Your enthusiasm for poetry is contagious. After reading your poems, I'm ready to take out my pen and jump into the "world of poetry". Keep writing and sharing!!

  4. soooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttt.......congrats sweety.....great job....continue darlin baby......:):):):)

  5. Septembermom :- Thanks a lot for accepting award & for sweet encouraging motivating compliments :D

  6. Congratulations on your 50th blog.
    A real pleasure to read,
    Here's to the next 50.

    Thanks for the Golden Heart Award.
    Much appreciated.


  7. Happy birthday to your lovely poetry blog.. Congrats.....

  8. What to say...
    i m wordless..
    i dont have words top show my gratitude..
    thanks u so much
    n congo for the 50th post..
    May God Bless u

  9. Yvonne :- Thanks a lot for accepting a small token of love & for sweet motivating encouraging compliments :)

  10. Femin Susan :- Thanks a lot Dear :D

  11. Pallav :- Thanks a lot for accepting a small token of Love & for sweet encouraging motivating compliments :D Have A Nice Day :D

  12. Hey congratulation dear..
    It is really surprise for me.. Thanks for Golden Heart Award.. :)

  13. PD :- Thanks a lot for accepting Award & also for sweet compliment :)

  14. Good of you to remember your friends!!
    Keep on writing


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