Friday, June 5, 2009

ohhh Sweeeetttyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a Handsome Guy You Are
What a Pleasant Adorable Features
What a Special Pose to Camera
What a Fashion, Wearing Goggles ;)

You always cheer kids, infants even elderly people,
You always love your near & dear one's
Its really very rare, u bark at us,
You do take very good care of all of us!!!!!

The open heart to take you in,
Sweet true love from earnest eyes
Emotional truth, a friend so wise
At play, at work, at rest, at home.

You Love Ice-cream a lot, especially
crunchy chocolate ice-cream a lot.
You Sleep on my lap as soon as I enter
& sit with u!!

You welcome me, with a wide warm lovely hug,
by licking all over my face,
Relieving my stress & tensions
You always accompany me, to brisk walk.

You expect less and give more
You just ask for best quality food,Shelter,walk,clothing
But, Your love is, unconditional Love.
I sleep on your tummy, with legs stretched.

A Great Labrador to have.
You are truthful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best Friend of Mine!!!!!!!!!!
You are a Lovely Guy!! Whom I always Adore!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Animals are so trusting to have around, I had a dog for 16 years and she was so faithful and so loving towards the children,
    I loved your poem plus photo of your dog, a good start to my day reading this.


  2. Yvonne :- Ya...I am great lover of Pets :) Thanks a Lot for sweet comments :)

  3. Barnard :- Thanks a lot for dropping by & for compliments :)

  4. Deepika :- Thanks a lot for dropping by & for sweet compliment Dear :D

  5. He is a cutie! Love the photo and verse:)

  6. @ Septembermom :- Thanks a Lot!!!!!!!!!

  7. you are showing your feeling by photography good :) kindly visit my blog and send me your article i will post it
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