Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Labrador My Most Beloved Companion :)

God creations are infinite

Trees, plants, hills, mountains,
snowfall, human beings, animals.

He created animals for sake of us,

so that animals cant cheat its owner

or who loves him a lot.

How Do we live without a companion, best friend,
how do we trust human being?? henceforth,
God created Pet animals,

with different categories & features

From which we can relieve our Stress & Pain.
I love dogs a lot. especially, Labradors.
I want my house full of Labradors.

I wish I have all kinds of animals and birds.
I wish I spend my whole life with them
Since, I don't trust any Human being.

From, the day I got myself accustomed to Animals Nature,
I started loving them

Now, Its highly impossible for me to live alone.

I also have a dog as my companion,
Best True Hearted friend,

Now, I also want Polar Bear, Panda's,
& all sorts of animals & Birds.

I had composed one poem about pigeons, in another blog of mine...If u have missed it, click here


  1. pets are a wonderful companions...they stick with us during all times

    nice dedication to your pet with this well-written poem of yours

  2. hmmmm....Thanks a lot Darling Sis :)


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